🤩 Combo 自選組合 🤩
Beer Bundle of 4
Combo 4 of your choices$105.00HIGHERTHAN Highball Bundle of 4
Combo of 4 of your choices$95.00HIGHERTHAN Highball Bundle of 12
Combo of 12 of your choices$260.00Beer Bundle of 12
Combo of 12 of your choices$290.00
🍺 Beer 啤酒 🍺
Classic Pale Ale 經典淡愛爾
ABV: 5%The Classic is designed to be versatile – you can drink this all day and in all seasons. We’ve taken careful measures to create an elegant balance of malts and hops in this pale ale. The result is just enough malty richness, paired with a thirst-quenching blend of North American and Australian hops. We employ late additions and dry hopping to bring out its delightful fruity, floral and zesty.經典淡愛爾是一款非常百搭的酒款,適合任何季節飲用。麥芽和啤酒花的細膩平衡也可令你輕鬆配搭不同的菜式。美國與澳洲的啤酒花更為啤酒增添花果、橘子等的香氣。$33.00Cha Chaan Teng Sour 鹹檸啤 (Salted Lime Gose)
ABV: 4% A classic sour and salty Gose brewed with salted lime (鹹檸) commonly found in local Cha Chaan Tengs in Hong Kong and often served with lemon sodas. A perfect refreshing respite from the local humid weather, this beer will please beer geeks and novices alike. We kettle soured it with probiotic bacteria for a day, fermented it with ale yeast and matured with some salted lime. 鹹檸啤乃一款根據傳統德國萊比錫酸啤Gose釀造的復古啤酒。傳統版本帶鮮明的乳酸,並有淡淡的芫茜籽香氣和微鹹的口感。而少爺的現代版則混入了本土茶餐廳元素,自家醃製的鹹青檸模擬了鹹檸七的風味,重新定義這款古老的德國酸啤。$33.001842 Imperial IPA 1842 IPA
ABV: 8%Embodying the resilient adaptability and relentless pursuit of progress of Hong Kong, this beer has undergone gradual evolutions alongside our dynamic city. A modern Imperial IPA with an elegant golden hue, 1842 emanates vibrant notes of grapefruit and tropical fruits, culminating in an nostalgic bitterness with bold yet balanced complexity.1842 IPA 誕生於香港島這座島嶼,見證著少爺啤從零開始的革命之旅。這款啤酒與這座充滿活力的城市一起經歷了種種變遷,以酒精彰顯香港的適應力以及對進步的不懈追求。 1842 是一款充滿現代感的帝國 IPA,優雅的金黃色,散發出充滿活力的西柚和熱帶水果香氣,以甘苦收尾,風味大膽複雜。$33.00Unfiltered Pilsner 拉格啤酒
ABV: 4.5%Unapologetically unfiltered and delightfully crushable, Young Master’s Pilsner is brewed for all occasions. An authentic expression both of hometown culture and a return to resolute focus on quality long lost in corporate beer, this beer is your new staple.不經過濾加上令人愉悅的風味,少爺拉格啤酒適合任何場合飲用。這款清爽的拉格啤酒完美地融合本地文化,將會成為你的最愛!$33.00Another One All Day Session Ale 再來低酒精啤酒
ABV: 3.3%Crushable, juicy and refreshing, you will always want another one of this delightful session ale.愉悅, 果香, 清爽, 會令你想再來一杯的啤酒!$33.00Hong Kong Black 少爺墨啤
ABV: 4.2%Hong Kong Black, brewed with a true sense of place, inks a new chapter in the story of stouts. A modern-day expression, it has comforting layers of cocoa, city roast coffee and a whiff of caramel from the highest quality crystal malts that also lend it a luscious mouthfeel and effortless drinkability.少爺最新全年供應黑啤,真真正正適合香港口味及天氣,這款口感順滑而不失層次的黑啤入口淡淡醇香朱古力、烘烤咖啡搭上細膩焦糖香,低酒精度及苦度這款啤酒順滑易飲,全新演繹黑啤之美!$33.00Zero Alcohol-free Pale Ale 無酒精啤酒
ABV: <0.5%Young Master Zero, paying homage to a timeless classic, is a versatile pale ale that delivers an elevated drinking experience uninhibited by the presence of alcohol. Fermented with an all-natural biological process, Zero preserves the beer’s vibrant flavors and avoids overprocessing techniques employed by industrial breweries.少爺無酒精啤酒Zero,向經典淡愛爾致敬,透過天然發酵過程釀製而成,保留淡愛爾的鮮明風味,盡情享受無酒精的清爽口感與複雜果香為你帶來的零壓力飲酒體驗!盡情享受Zero嘅你一個提升嘅飲酒體驗。$33.00
🍻 Highball 🍻
HIGHERTHAN Salted Lime Vodka Highball 鹹檸 HIGHBALL
$27.00HIGHERTHAN Mala Mule Vodka Highball 麻辣 Highball
$27.00Higherthan Iron Goddess Tea Whisky Highball 鐵觀音 Highball
$27.00Higherthan Yuzu Gin Highball 柚子 Highball